Northern Belle Stables
Youth Club

WHO is eligible? Any individual 21 & under who is interested in horses. You do not need to own a horse or take private lessons to participate in our Youth Club.

Life Long Friendships
WHEN? Most Sunday afternoons
$55 - Single / $95 - 2 Sessions /
$125 - 3 Sessions / $150 - 4 Sessions
Team Building
WHERE? Northern Belle Stables for regular meetings. Members will also have the opportunity to take field trips for educational purposes and attend competitions.
WHAT will we be doing? Weekly educational topics to complete and earn badges from the American Morgan Horse Association and the American Saddlebred International Youth Program.
Riding, Driving and Training demonstrations from our Trainers. See World, National and Regional Champions from our Show Horse string.
Hands on horse care and stable management
Opportunity to Participate in ASHA Junior Judging
Opportunity to Participate in the AMHA Youth of the Year Contests
Crafts and other projects
Group riding lessons

Social Skills
Professional Equestrian
Self -Confidence

MORE: A snack & drink will be provided but please bring a lunch or any other items you would like.
For cancelations contact:
Selina 603-953-3470
Jillian 603-380-5886
99 Amesbury Rd . Newton NH 03858
Check back here often for updates
WHY? To become competent horse people, with emphasis on education and development while learning horsemanship skills. The program will be inclusive of all breeds while highlighting The Morgan Horse, The American Saddlebred and The Hackney Pony. We will use educational tools and programs provided by these associations and are open to any other useful information from other sources.