Northern Belle Stables Fun Show
Our Fun Show is for everyone.
For beginners to get a taste of competition to advanced show riders to practice their skills
and work on new ones.
But most of all, lets have fun!
Northern Belle Stables
99 Amesbury Rd
Newton NH 03858
Dates & Times:
April 2022 coming soon
All classes will be held during the afternoon.
More information will be available soon.
Be sure to check back here or with your
April date coming soon
WTC Adult Equitation section A
WTC Adult Pleasure section A
WTC Adult Equitation section B
WTC Adult Pleasure section B
Leadline Beginner (2 sets of ribbons awarded)
Leadline Advanced (2 sets of ribbons awarded)
WTC under 18 Equitation
WTC under 18 Pleasure
WT under 18 Equitation
WT under 18 Pleasure
WT Adult Equitation
WT Adult Pleasure
Notice: Due to covid limitations, we will be running classes ONLY on a specific time given to you.
We will let you know your time frame to be here when we get closer.
Equitation: Only the rider will be evaluated, diagonals will count, except in Leadline.
Pleasure: Will be judged on manners, performance, obedience. Transitions should be smooth. Will be asked to flat walk, pleasure trot or jog, canter or lope, excessive speeds will be penalized. Demonstrating effective & easy control.
Classes will be divided when necessary
Ribbons and Trophy awarded in all classes
Horses and space will be limited so please let us know ASAP to reserve your spot.
All classes are $25
Horse Fee $25 per Rider if not currently in our lesson program, (current being a minimum of 1 lesson per week for a month or more.)